Accel Federal Energy Services LLC
A Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business

Home About Accel Services Projects News Contact

Your project needs innovative engineering with cost effective solutions. Discover engineering excellence and accelerate your project. Let's work together to make your project happen.

PV Site Engineering
Solar Design Solutions
Solar Certifications

Our engineers understand the importance of comprehensive site preparation for every solar project.

Site evaluations

Site energy performance ratio and expected yields
Wind analysis for ground and rooftop systems

Structure analysis for rooftop and canopy mounts

Interconnection studies

Building energy evaluations - HVAC and lighting

Civil site engineering

Accel designs commercial solar power systems. We provide a full range of professional solar, structural, electrical and site engineering services to solar contractors and developers.

Our expertise in cost-effective project design means that our solutions generate maximum output for minimum costs:

Reduced construction costs

Reduced labor costs

Reduced BOS costs

Saved time

Our professional engineers are certified in eleven states: CO, CT, DE, FL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA and the District of Columbia.

Your project will be done right the first time, saving you both money and time.

Deep Industry Experience

“We now have four years of solar project experience under our belt. Our engineers can find a innovative and cost-effective solution for every solar project, large and small.”
Paul Hulsey, Project Engineer

Home About Accel Services Projects News Contact

© 2013 Accel Federal Energy Services LLC, a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business